Theory Week: Tanith1 in Devourer’s Host


Devourer’s Host
Tanith the Feral Song (Tanith1)



Tharn Ravager White Mane

2x Max Tharn Ravagers

-2x Tharn Ravager Chieftains

Tharn Bloodweavers


Tharn Bloodtrackers


Brigid & Caul

So, while a lot of these models are still in CID, I think this could be an interesting alternative to Iona in my pair, and Tanith doesn’t seem to see much use outside of maybe Call and Wolves (and I am stressing the ‘maybe’ there).

Run down on the models/units in the list and what I see them doing

Tanith1: She has both a MAT and STR buff (effectively), in either her gun or Affliction and Scything Touch. She can also have Ghetorix do more work in a turn while still getting off Spiny Growth, and Loki can sit in a bush with her before he’s ready to chain someone up into eating range.

Ghetorix: I feel like a lot of Dev Host lists will like him. He’s a hitter who likes a defensive buff to help survive. I reckon Admonition can help an awful lot with that.

Loki: Prowl on a heavy feels very useful, and the rest of her kit, especially Scything Touch, seems useful for turning him up a bit. But honestly, it’s his model, it’s just amazing.

Whitemane: This may be a hangover from playing Iron Fangs too much, but I just can’t not take a model with Veteran Leader if it is available. I can’t really justify it beyond this, but I’m not sure if I need to, as +1 to hit is just amazing (or is that just me with Iron Fangs?).

Bloodtrackers: Scything Touch buffing their charge attacks making quick work more likely, and a unit with high speed, parry and repo seems like a great spot to pick a model to put Scything Touch on.

Ravagers: They hit hard, and all the harder with Scything Touch. This will also make them vengeance with the P+S of a charge, if they are getting in on the dark shrouded model, which seems really neat.

Bloodweavers: I like the idea of an outflanking/AD unit that can provide a bit of utility with its weapon types, or a decent amount of scenario slow-down by ambushing in.

Brigid & Caul: They just seem like a very strong unit, and having -2 to enemy armour can’t hurt them.

Interactions I’m interested in seeing or trying

I have several main hopes with this list. I want to try baiting with the Admonitioned heavy a bit, take the free move away and then chain-pull the aggressive model deeper to get ganked before going deeper with the Tharn or something else. Not having to use Primal for the +2 because of scything touch is a real benefit to this list with only 2 beasts, so one isn’t auto-frenzy-ing and without it costing fury off my beasts to cast. Finally, I’m looking forwards to hitting a jamming unit with Affliction, and getting an awful lot of quickwork attacks off with the bloodtrackers before swapping prey, or perhaps not having to prey the jamming unit to get work done. And thus getting more value out of the mini-feat prey swap.


There are a few concerns that I have about this list. Firstly, and I don’t know if this is the warmachine player in me/hordes scrub, but I’m terrified of running hot, which this list will if both heavies have to go in. Secondly, it does have a lack of scoring solos, but I feel that if Tanith can get into concealment on a flag, or the whitemane can get there while still providing its bubble, I might be okay? Either way, this isn’t being built as a scenario monster so that’s probably not its biggest flaw. Finally, the lack of arc nodes outside of feat could be a problem for moving around Scything Touch/for getting Affliction out when and where necessary.


This was my first attempt at an article discussing theory. I’m all ears if you’ve got something else that’s better to talk about, or if you think a different way to approach it would work better. Different focus, structure, just let me know



7 thoughts on “Theory Week: Tanith1 in Devourer’s Host

  1. Just to bring something to your attention, scything touch is a single model buff. It in no way invalidates the list, I would just reevaluate who you’re going to buff.


    1. Thanks mate I’m aware if that, I think it’s just my post-work brain gumming up my writing haha. I’m thinking of putting it on a single bloodtracker, as long as they don’t get fragged they get in and apply it well. If they do die, Tanith can always activate it and give it to a slightly trailing model so that when they get a run-charge order the rest of the unit can charge and she’ll just run to apply it 🙂


      1. God no man, not insulting at all. Thanks for the comment. And I know it’s an odd choice, I guess my hope is their speed will be enough that they can apply it regardless. When I get to putting it on the table it may well not work though. Who is a better target, Loki for when he drags someone in? A Ravager for the 2″?


  2. When I tested Tanith during the CID Scything Touch generally went on Ghetorix or LotF. Obviously as the game progresses it can end up on some random stuff, where ever you need it, but those were my two ‘planned targets’. Admonition almost always went on a Gnarlhorn.


  3. I think you really have to leverage affliction, which limits her matchups in national medium base meta and even personally in my local high arm low def meta. i played her in bones when she first came out, and it was fun the fulcrum and her are buds imo. i feel she doesnt have a great feat, and if you just use the feat to get affliction on something, well its something. she could spam out 6 primals on feat? maybe?


    1. I don’t really get her feat yet though, so I get how you feel that way, I’m thinking of more playing her for the two de/buffs (and the gun) and kind of ignoring the feat unless it becomes super relevant… But we’ll see how it goes. I get how she might be better in Call to really spam out the animi though. Definitely worth considering after I have a crack at her in Dev Host 🙂


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