Theory Week: Wurmwood1 in Devourer’s Host

Wurmwood in Devourer’s Host theory week

Wurmwood, Tree of Fate

-Cassius the Oathkeeper


-Argus Moonhound

Tharn Wolf Rider Champion

Tharn Ravager White Mane

Tharn Ravagers

-Tharn Ravager Chieftain

Tharn Blook Pack

Tharn Wolf Riders

Tharn Bloodweavers

Tharn Bloodtrackers

-Nuala the Huntress

Continue reading “Theory Week: Wurmwood1 in Devourer’s Host”

Team Tournament Game 1: Circle (Mohsar: Secret Masters) vs Cygnar (Caine3: Heavy Metal)

So, this is the start of a recap of a recent tournament I went to. I’m going to post each battle report individually, but they’ll be linked by the heading so it should be easy enough to follow. This was a week before the CID dropped, for future reference.

The tournament was a three man event, it gets called the “German format”, but I’m not sure which event they are referring to when they say that. Anyway, living right on the outskirts of town and getting no practice, I was happy to miss this event so I didn’t drag a team down. But then the TO said they wanted another team just to make up numbers, and I couldn’t resist taking some silly Circle stuff. So there I was, with 2 fun lists at a teams tournament, my teammates were a Cryx player and a Menoth player. You can find our lists, and the lists from every other team here

Continue reading “Team Tournament Game 1: Circle (Mohsar: Secret Masters) vs Cygnar (Caine3: Heavy Metal)”

Painting Update: Loki and my general warpwolf scheme

Hi guys, I’ve been working on Loki and a few other models recently. Unfortunately the start of school term is always a bit of a mess, so I haven’t completed them. But the base colours and the first layer of highlights on my favourite model are complete. I’m looking forwards to getting him done and on the table though! So prettyyyyyy

Continue reading “Painting Update: Loki and my general warpwolf scheme”

Khador (Irusk2: Armoured Corps) vs Cryx (Terminus1: Infernal Machines)

Welcome back to battle report week! Two of my mates played a game the other week, one with one of my favourite casters ever (Irusk2) and one with a list that I adore (the horde of Mechanithralls). Since the next battle report will be a Circle tournament battle report of mine, I felt that this would be a good time to go with something other than Circle before you get inundated.

Khador Cryx
Armoured Corps Infernal Machines




Man-O-War Kovnik

Man-O-War Suppression Tanker

Man-O-War Suppression Tanker


Kommandant Atanas Arconovich & Standard

Max Man-O-War Bomardiers


Max Man-O-War Demolition Corps


Max Man-O-War Shock Troopers


Min Battle Mechaniks

Min Battle Mechaniks






Pistol Wraith

Darragh Wrathe


Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls

Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls

Min Carrion Thralls

Max Mechanithralls

Max Mechanithralls

Max Mechanithralls

Max Mechanithralls

Max Mechanithralls

Max Mechanithralls

-3 Brute Thralls

List choices: These lists were selected before play began because they wanted to test this matchup

Scenario: Invasion          Priority roll: Irusk2 won the roll off and chose to go first

Objectives: Both players chose the healing objective

Continue reading “Khador (Irusk2: Armoured Corps) vs Cryx (Terminus1: Infernal Machines)”

Theory Week: Tanith1 in Devourer’s Host


Devourer’s Host
Tanith the Feral Song (Tanith1)



Tharn Ravager White Mane

2x Max Tharn Ravagers

-2x Tharn Ravager Chieftains

Tharn Bloodweavers


Tharn Bloodtrackers


Brigid & Caul

So, while a lot of these models are still in CID, I think this could be an interesting alternative to Iona in my pair, and Tanith doesn’t seem to see much use outside of maybe Call and Wolves (and I am stressing the ‘maybe’ there).

Continue reading “Theory Week: Tanith1 in Devourer’s Host”

Painting Update: My general theme and some models to boot!

Hi friends. So I have finally gotten a start on a few different categories of models. I’m going to roughly break down my scheme here, if you have any further questions I’m happy to give more details on colours choices. The basic idea is that it is a desert theme. I thought, what are the two most important things in the desert? The sand and the sky. So the two main colours are a red-yellow and a light blue. The light blue of the sky has more power, it’s where rain, sun, lightning, etc. comes from, so it is the “power” colour, in a sense (so druids will have more of it being the magic wielders, and magic runes will also use it). My bases will be bare, rocky with just the small scraggly scrubs you could expect in a desert. Problem is… I don’t have any small rocks or scrubs yet. So sadly these bases are undone. Oh well, that’s something for a future update 🙂

Continue reading “Painting Update: My general theme and some models to boot!”

Circle v Trolls

On Friday I had my first game with circle after I’ve decided to actually “make a pair” and take it a bit more seriously.




Bones of Orboros Devourer Host Storm of the North Storm of the North

-3 Wold Guardian

-3 Woldwatchers

-2 Wold Wights

Sentry Stones

Sentry Stones

Shifting Stones

Shifting Stones





Swamp Gobber Chef



-Wild Argus

2 Max Tharn Ravagers

-2 Tharn Ravager Chieftains

Lord of the Feast

Gallows Grove



Max Bloodtrackers


Brigid (Merida) + Caul



-Glacier King

Max Raiders

Max Champs






Max Stone

-Northkin Elder

This has him 2 points under, I can’t remember if he had a 2 point thing somewhere sorry!





Max Raiders

Max Champs




Min Ambushing Pygs

Fell Caller

Max Stone

-Northkin Elder


List choices: Iona v Madrak         Scenario: Mirage        Priority roll: I won the roll off and chose first Continue reading “Circle v Trolls”

Starting a new faction

Hi friendly people, welcome to my Circle Orboros blog. I’m just starting out after years of Khador, so it’s going to be interesting.

My theme: I’m going for a desert theme, out on the way to Skorne-town. Wolds will be a red-brown stone, runes are blue, furs are…. well we’ll see when I get to painting a fur colour ha.

My starting lists: Continue reading “Starting a new faction”

The Journey Begins

Hi, and welcome to my blog. It’s following my descent into Circle Orboros. And oh boy, with the Tharn CID coming up is there a better time to be getting on board?

This blog will follow a four week cycle. I’m a teacher, so come the end of each term there’s a chance there will be a gap, but hopefully it won’t be a common thing.

Week 1: A battle report: A battle report (ideally including images) of a battle from that week, including a turn by turn breakdown. If a tournament took place, it will be a report on that instead.

Week 2: A painting update: Images and a short article of the models that have been painted this week.

Week 3: A theory article: Discussing possible changes to my lists, ideas for lists going forwards or focusing in on one model and what I think they can do/what I imagine they will do for me.

Week 4: An odds and ends week. It could be an update on models from another system, thoughts on an upcoming event/release/tournament, or cheering on some sporting even that is happening soon.

I hope you enjoy it, and that your feedback will help me get better (especially with painting, jeez!)

Additionally, after talking with some mates in my local meta, they have said that they may contribute as well. So we may see battle reports, painting updates and theory featuring Protectorate, Cryx, Khador and more to boot J